Depression Treatment FAQs from a Psychiatrist

Psychiatrist New York, NY

A psychiatrist is a medical doctor who treats mental conditions from a neurological, physical, and psychological perspective. They use a rigorous screening process to find the root cause of their patient's mental illness. The information they gather goes into crafting a custom treatment plan with a high chance of success.

One of the most common mental illnesses psychiatrists treat is clinical depression. Read on to learn more about how a psychiatrist helps their patients manage depression. The sections that follow discuss treatment for depression in a question-and-answer format.  

A psychiatrist explains the effects of depression

Depression has far-reaching effects that touch on mood, productivity, and general health. The illness affects sleep patterns, body weight, and eating patterns. Severe depression can interfere with a person's ability to do seemingly simple, routine tasks necessary for everyday living. For some patients, depression manifests as physical and mental pain.

The good news is that a person suffering from depression is not alone. Many mental health professionals have the experience and steady hand to help those who need them. It also helps to learn more about depression and its treatment.

1. What are the symptoms of depression?

Each individual is unique, so the nature and severity of the symptoms may vary from one person to the next. It is also worth noting that depression will sometimes come in phases. Still, most people will have one or more of the following symptoms at some point:

  • A low mood or feelings of sadness
  • Lack of interest in activities or things that were once a source of joy 
  • Inability to do previously simple, routine tasks
  • Change in sleep and/or eating patterns
  • Feelings of hopelessness
  • In severe cases, suicidal thoughts

These symptoms may seem normal after some sort of trauma or stressful situation. However, they signify that the person needs help before the problem worsens.

2. What are the most common causes of depression?

It is worth mentioning that people with a family history of depression run a higher risk of developing the same condition. The condition may be hereditary, or it could develop from the stress of living (or growing up) with a family member who lives with depression.

This brings up a second cause of depression: trauma and other stressful situations. Bereavement, deprivation, or an unstable home environment are stressors that can trigger depression. Think of depression as a mental and emotional injury that needs treatment, just like a wound or a broken bone.

3. Are all cases of depression the same?

No, each individual case of depression is different in terms of severity, symptoms, and response to treatment. One person may suffer from demotivation or lack of concentration without feelings of profound sadness. Another person may be functional, while a third person may be unable to get out of bed.

Some patients experience depression in waves, while others endure constant low moods. It is worth noting that different patients will respond to different treatment plans. This means that treatment for depression must fit each patient's individual needs.

4. How do mental health professionals treat depression?

The most common approach is a combination of psychotherapy, medication, and monitoring. A psychiatrist will work with their patient to craft a treatment plan that is safe and effective. Sometimes the doctor will recommend brain stimulation like transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) if more conventional methods have limited success.

Good mental health can become your reality, and we can help you get there

Our psychiatrist is available for a consultation, and they are happy to talk with you. Get in touch with our New York office to schedule an appointment.

Request an appointment here: or call Hope TMS and Neuropsychiatric Center at (646) 578-8152 for an appointment in our New York office.

Check out what others are saying about our services on Yelp: Psychiatrist in New York, NY.

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